
Monday, November 30, 2020

Narritive writing.

                           NARRATIVE STORY!!!

No guys please you got it all wrong!!! Good bye Red Cyan says ( Hi there you are probably wondering how I got into this situation. My name is Red and this is how it all started) hmm so this is Among us huh? My first time playing and I can feel like I can get my very first win. Then a random player came and said “ hello there My name is Black and this is my partner Orange. My name is Mr Orange! Yea you said that to the last guy Orange “umm it’s mr Orange.” I said “ why does orange have a lipth?” 

“Oh that’s just how he is Red''.  This is White. He umm like’s to compliment himself. “ you have the right to remain…beautiful. (He says looking in the mirror.) “There are some other players but the game is starting soon so you will meet them in mid game ok Red” SHHHH!!! “Oh man I'm a Crewmate. Huh who's that?” “Oh umm hi Cyan why are you on the phone?“ “Oh, just listening to songs “I want to hear?“ “Ok I guess a song won’t get me hurt right?” So I put the headphones on.

 I'm definitely not an Imposter if I was then I wouldn’t be one cause I'm not one. Even if I was then I wouldn't say that I wasn’t it's Impossible implausible I'm not an Imposter Imposter, obviously I'm not an Imposter honest to god I should toss y'all like a rotten salad and any evidence against me far from valid. Made by Nerdout “ That's pretty cool and catchy” “I know right” “Well I have to go to my tasks now so” “Ya me too” ``'' Hahaha looks like im the Imposter Black says quietly.” “But the problem is that my teammate is Orange”. “Hey, I'm useful in many ways” “ Really how can you be useful?” “ I can help you do a double kill” “ yea I guess that is true, but you always get caught by cams Orange” “Umm It’s Mr Orange, Black. “I’ll sabotage lights ok Orange” “Ok” “Black i’ll  go sabotage” “noo I sabotage!!” ( The alarm goes off ) “ORANGE THAT’S THE COMMONS!!!” “that’s why I don’t let you sabotage”

 “Ohhhhhhh” “Well at least the Cams are off, right” ( and now we are going back to Red ) “Oh no the commons are sabotaged!!!” ( 10 seconds later ) “Phew just in time to fix the commons.” ( then after that yellow called an emergency meeting ) “ Guys I think it's Black and Orange.

” “Why's that?” “Do you guys remember at the start of the game everyone left but Black and Orange.” “They were in there talking really long and after that, when the commons were sabotaged Black started yelling at Orange and I have been wondering why.” “Any comments about that Black?”  “Yes I do... You know when you said everyone left what about you how could you get close enough to see the conversation?” Yellow said back “Well I saw you guys in the admin room” “Objection!!! didn't you say that the commons were sabotaged?”

 I knew you would have said that. Well I heard it in the hallway of the Admin room.” “I think we should skip but keep an eye on Black and Orange ok guys.” ( but Black says something before the voting is done ) “ Well what about red he has not said anything since the discussion.” “That is right “but what about the others” Red replies “ like Cyan Green and Brown” yea that is true but lets still skip ok guys.” “Ok” “Everybody said.” “Ok orange, we need to leave suspension as soon as possible.” “ Ok black “ “Looks like we have to go 200 IQ “ I thought no one can go to that level?” “Let's go to Admin. “Ok” “looks like there are 2 in Medbay 1 in the Security room and 1 in Navigation.” I got it! “Orange sabotage Lights ok Orange “ Yes sir “( the alarm goes off )

 “Oh no the lights are out!!!” Black hopes out of the vent and goes to strike Yellow.” “I hope orange does the other part of the plan.” Orange goes to Electrical and he strikes.” “Then he goes to cafe.” (The lights are now on.) orange says “I have called the emergency meeting me and black were at Admin and saw 2 people in Medbay and 1 in Security 1 in Navigation and 2 in Electrical when the lights went out we went to Security and saw someone go down the vent and I saw Yellows body and ran to the emergency button.

” “Then I remembered that 2 people were in medbay so who was in there.” Red said “I was in medbay with Cyan the whole game,” “Cyan did a medbay scan so he is safe.” But how about you Red?” Black replied, but then “The lights were out so I went over there.” Then Black said “Didn’t you just say you were in medbay the whole time?” Then Red said “Ummm but Cyan saw me do a Medbay scan right Cyan?” Then Cyan said “The lights were out so I didn’t see.” Black said “you must have vented to Security striked Yellow vented in a panic vented to Electrical then striked Brown!!!” “How do I make them believe that I'm Innocent?” “I have heard enough of this, you striked Yellow then you striked Brown I have heard it bye bye Red.” “No please you got the wrong idea.” Please I can explain!!” “See ya Red.” 


“NOOOOOO!!!!!” (So ya that's how I got into this situation) RED WAS NOT THE IMPOSTER!!!. “Wait he was not an Imposter?” Then Black says to Cyan “Always will be” “ and I'm Mr Orange.” The End By PenaiaHenare. 

In Conclusion:

I thought it was really fun writing this narrative story and I hoped you enjoyed reading this story. I know it was long but I still hoped you enjoyed it.

Understanding class room temperatures in Room 6.